Friday, 5 April 2013

the palm beach story

50's hollywood teach you how to transform a blanket and pyjamas in a smart outfit in 1 take...

'if there's one thing i admire, it's a woman who can whip up something out of nothing''

claudette colbet  at preston sturges' the palm beach story

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

'often the hearts of men and women are stirred,

as likewise they are soothed in their sorrows more by example than by words. and therefore, because i too i have known some consolation from speech had with one who was a witness thereof, am i now minded to write of the sufferings which have sprung out of my misfortunes, for the eyes of one who, though absent, is of himself ever a consoler. this i do so that, in comparing your sorrows with mine, you may discover that yours are in truth nought, or at the most but of small account, and so shall you come to bear them more easily.'

peter abelard - foreword to historia calamitatum

degreas' bain couture

beach 60's make-up and interesting coconut-palm bathing suits on the catwalk of adriana degreas in the spring summer 13/14 collection

remind me of my carlota joakina times...

oil on cinema

'but, mrs. mulwray, i goddamn near lost my nose. and i like it. i like breathing through it. and i still think you're hiding something.' - jake gittes

marcin maciejowski film still paintings are on the baltic centre for contemporary art in newcastle-upon-tyne until the beginning of june