Sunday, 25 September 2011

girls you hate at school

you can be the girls who use to bully you at school wearing christopher kane spring 2012 collection

Saturday, 24 September 2011

turn blue

i'm always seeing these oranges girls walking around and i'm wondering if they could be blue for a change. nothing against orange is just this fake tan thing that i need someone to explain to me.

tape song

'be there or be ungroovy fuckers'

you can watch the tube on channel 4 from 5th of November of 1982 to not-sure-exactly-when of 1987

Thursday, 22 September 2011

'como entender-me?

por que de início aquela cega integração?

e depois, a quase alegria da libertação? de que matéria sou

feita onde se entrelaçam mas não se fundem os elementos e a

base de mil outras vidas? sigo todos os caminhos e nenhum

deles é ainda o meu. fui moldada em tantas estátuas e ainda

não me imobilizei..'

Monday, 5 September 2011

the sane society

'in the nineteenth century the problem was that god is dead; in the twentieth century the problem is that man is dead.' - the sane society 1955